'#fitness #health #fitnessquestions Hi cutie pies!! I\'m here to answer your fitness questions that you submitted on my IG! This will be a part 1, and I\'ll be uploading part 2 later this week! I\'ll be answering: - How to work on your pull-ups? -Do I drop calories on rest days? -What to do when I have low appetite? -How do I know when it\'s time to drop calories? -Do I have to be sore for the workout to have worked? -What is a deload week? Follow my IG and TikTok: @alexisclairefit Editor: Graydon Sheppard www.graydonsheppard.com Workout Programs and Coaching: www.alexisclairefit.com'
Tags: fitness , Health , calories , Pullups , sore , rest days , fitness faqs , soreness , deload week , low appetite
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